Say Stop to Online Piracy!

May heard a lot  Buzzing over SOPA and PIPA everywhere and debated , let’s have glance over the issue SOPA stands for Online Piracy Act and PIPA stands for Protect Piracy Act both are associated with media piracy to stop the illegal copying and sharing of movies and music on the Internet, but major Internet companies say the bills would put them in the impossible position of policing the online world.

Both bills are before American congress at Senate House. Various web giants like Reddit, Mozilla, WordPress, TwitPic,, Imgur and Boing Boing  has decided to go offline on Wednesday. A public rally has planned for Wednesday afternoon. Google has also joined the series with wide black strip on its name to show protestation.

Joining into league Wikipedia has also supported the protest. Co-Founder Of Wikipedia Jimmy Wales made this announcement via tweets.

Wiki page has blackened out for 24 hours with message “Imagine a World without Free Knowledge. For over a decade, we have spent millions of hours building the largest encyclopedia in human history. Right now, the U.S. Congress is considering legislation that could fatally damage the free and open Internet. For 24 hours, to raise awareness, we are blacking out Wikipedia”

Isn’t it ironic when you read about the bill. The founder of SOPA Act Rep.Lamar Smith has presented the bill  and said that “The site will not harm Wikipedia, domestic blogs or social networking sites. This publicity stunt does a disservice to its users by promoting fear instead of facts. Perhaps during the blackout, Internet users can look elsewhere for an accurate definition of online piracy”

Also announced that would remove the DNS blocking and rerouting provisions of the bill, considered the most onerous by many in the tech community.

Both bills have taken a hit in the last week, as their authors have decided to remove the provisions that must Internet service providers to block the domain names of infringing sites.

The Senate is scheduled to hold a procedural vote on PIPA on January 24.

But digging the facts will made you think that the censorship regulation into bills won’t shut down the pirate sites activities, as they are running worldwide, stopping only U.S. sites is too lame and pirates will get another way to continue. The Law-abiding U.S. internet companies would have to check everything users link to or upload or face the risk of time-consuming litigation on U.S. websites. Government could order search engines to block those websites from their search results.

So overall bills need lots of amendments and we need to support the protestation and say STOP to SOPA and PIPA bills not to Online Piracy Act!

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